The Head of State His Excellency Paul BIYA granted audiences to the outgoing Israeli Ambassador to Cameroon, Miki ARBEL and later to a special envoy of President Teodoro OBIANG NGUEMA MBASOGO of Equatorial Guinea on Thursday 31 October 2013.

Speaking to the press at the end of the audience that lasted over one hour, the Israeli Ambassador indicated that the discussions with the Head of State were geared towards a general overview of the state of relations and cooperation ties between the two countries. He described the relations as very fruitful, especially in the domains of agriculture and health. They also discussed the situation in the Middle East and the Arab spring. The Ambassador said he was very pleased to have served his country in Cameroon and was looking forward to enjoy life when he returns to Israel.

The envoy from Equatorial Guinea, Vice Prime Minister in Charge of Social Matters, Minister of Education and Science, Mr. Lucas NGUEMA ESSONO MBANG, told the press that he had brought a sealed message from President Teodoro OBIANG NGUEMA MBASOGO to his brother and friend President Paul BIYA, the contents of which he did not disclose.